Committed to safety
We are committed to the safety of all of our Guests and employees. Â Safety is a partnership between the park and you, our Guests. Please observe all warnings outlined in this guide and other rule and safety information provided to you by our team members. Â The information in this document was updated before the start of the season. Â Information in this guide is subject to change.
If you suspect your health could be at risk for any reason, or you could aggravate a pre-existing condition of any kind, DO NOT RIDE. Â Specific warnings and restrictions are listed at each ride and within this guide.
All Guests must be able to demonstrate a willingness and ability to comply with verbal and written rider requirements. Â Guest unwilling or unable to follow instructions or comply with directions given will not be allowed to ride.
Indiana Beach reserves the right to make the final determination on a Guest’s ability to ride and may deny a Guest access if Management deems it unsafe for the individual.  Any Guest who does not fit properly in the ride restraint or vehicle will not be permitted to ride.
Parking is available for Guests with disabilities in the Boardwalk Parking lot located at the north end of the park on a first come, first served basis. A valid disabled persons parking placard or license plate must be displayed at all times while parked in designated accessible parking areas.Â
Family restrooms with ADA accessibility are available near the Tilt-a-Whirl ride just inside the waterpark and at the south end of the park under the Sky Ride platform.Â
First aid is located under the Cornball Express and near the Haunted Castle. If you require medical assistance, please ask for help from any of our uniformed team members and they will contact first aid for you.Â
Pregnant Guests, or Guests who believe they may be pregnant, should follow all rules and guidelines listed for each ride.  Guests who are pregnant shall not ride an attraction that specifically lists pregnancy as a rider restriction.Â
Segway, Hoverboards or other two-wheeled, self-balancing electric vehicles are not permitted within Indiana Beach property. Limited numbers of Wheelchairs and Electric Convenience Vehicles (EVC) are available for rent on first come, first served basis inside Guest Relations. Golf carts are not permitted in the boardwalk or midway areas at any time.
Guests are permitted to use their own ECV or wheelchairs within the park.
Indiana Beach does not allow outside food inside our park. Guests with special dietary needs will be allowed to bring limited portions into the park to accommodate their needs for the day. Please see a team member at the gate for assistance.
Cameras or video equipment, including cell phones, are not permitted on most attractions, the exception being the Shafer Queen. All other attractions prohibit the use of these items while the ride is in motion. Guests are instructed to place loose articles in a locker or leave them with a non-rider.  Please remember, Guests must have written permission to use photographs and/or recordings of any aspect of the park for commercial broadcasting, advertising, marketing or publishing in any medium. The use of a waterproof sport camera while in any water attractions is not permitted. These are considered attractions and loose articles are not allowed.
Oxygen tanks and machines are not permitted on all rides. For the safety of all of our Guests, oxygen tanks and small personal oxygen machines are permitted on the following rides only:
             Shafer Queen
             Wabash Cannonball Train
             The Giant Wheel
Oxygen Machines that can be secured to you in a similar manner as a purse or bag will also be permitted on the Antique Autos.Â
Oxygen tanks and devices must be small enough to be secured safely between the rider’s feet or held in their lap and secured to their person while riding. Devices that do not meet these requirements will not be permitted on any ride or attraction.
Trained service animals are welcome at our park. Service animals are defined as any dog that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability, including a physical, sensory, psychiatric, intellectual, or other mental disability. The work or tasks performed by a service animal must be directly related to the individual’s disability (ADA Title II and III).  Dogs whose sole function is to provide comfort or emotional support do not qualify as service animals. Miniature horses that have been individually trained to do or perform tasks for people with disabilities will qualify as service animals.Â
Service animals must be house broken and remain on a leash or harness or under control of the individual they assist at all times. Guests whose service animal demonstrates aggressive or annoying action toward a Guest or team member will be directed to remove the animal from the park.Â
We welcome service animals in most areas of our park. Many of our rides are not equipped to accommodate service animals, and the animal will not be allowed to ride most attractions. A member of the party must be available to stay with the animal while the Guest rides.Â
The park has a service animal relief area located in the area behind the Flush water slide at the north end of the park and on the island near the train station at the south end of the park. Owners are responsible for clean-up and disposal of their animal’s waste.